MAMPU is a joint initiative in gender-based poverty alleviation between Government of Australia (GoA) represented by the Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and Government of Indonesia (GoI) represented by the National Planning and Development Agency (BAPPENAS). This joint initiative will run for 8 years; started 2012, will end on 2020.
MAMPU seeks to increase the reach of public services and livelihoods for poor women in selected areas in Indonesia.
MAMPU 5 strategic thematic areas:

  1. Improving women’s access to government’s social protection programs
  2. Increasing women’s access to employments and removing workplace discriminations

iii. Improving conditions for women’s overseas labour migration

  1. Strengthening women’s leadership to improve maternal and reproductive health
  2. Strengthening women’s leadership to reduce violence against women.

In order to reach the aforementioned goal, MAMPU seeks to strengthen women’s leadership, community organising and political representation in order to influence government’s policies, regulations and services in order to meet the needs of poor women.
To implement this, the program focus on two major approaches, which are:
– Organisationals strengthening
MAMPU supports women’s organisations and other gender-interested organisations by strengthening their internal function, capacity and sustainibility so they become more robust in servicing their constituens.
– Parliamentarians strengthening
Besides institutional strengtening, MAMPU supports commissions and caucuses related to MAMPU’s issues, also, female and male parliamentarians who have commitments and identifications towards poverty and gender issues. MAMPU ensures them to actively participate in reforming policies related to MAMPU’s thematic areas in national and local level.
Expected outcomes
MAMPU’s success assessed by measuring the extent to which the program able to expand poor women’s access to public services and improved their livelihood and welfare in Indonesia. It is estimated that after an eight years implementation, impacting on policy, regulatory, and public service system, this program will provide a positive contribution to more than three million poor women in Indonesia.
Partners and working areas
The MAMPU Program is directly implemented by MAMPU partners, which consist of a consortium or women’s and gender-interested organisations that work collectively with local networks under the program’s working area.
Currently, MAMPU partners with:

  1. ‘Aisyiyah,
  2. BaKTI (Yayasan Bursa Pengetahuan Kawasan Timur Indonesia)
  3. ILO (Organisasi Perburuhan Dunia)
  4. Institut KAPAL Perempuan
  5. KPI (Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia)
  6. KOMNAS Perempuan
  7. Migrant CARE
  8. PEKKA (Yayasan Pemberdayaan Perempuan Kepala Keluarga) dan
  9. Konsorsium PERMAMPU
  10. Yayasan Kesehatan Perempuan (YKP).

Each MAMPU partner works based on their particular strength that is believed to improve effectiveness, accelerate and enlarge the achievement of outcomes that are the MAMPU’s goals.
In the first two years of the program, MAMPU’s operational area includes 27 provinces, 196 districts/cities and more than 300 sub-districts reaching to more than 2200 villages. where every partner collaborates directly with women and relevant stakeholders in the area.
In the subsequent phases, it is hoped that more organisations will join MAMPU to reach a wider area.


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