ANGIN 2022 in a Glimpse!
At ANGIN, we have seen how our best interventions this year are coming from bright minds with the willingness to take meaningful leaps. We have seen first-hand that value-add applied well can build better businesses in this entrepreneurship ecosystem.
Thus, despite the challenging global trends, ANGIN still believes that Indonesia presents the resilience trend as displayed across the region and we are ready to keep moving forward together by 2023.
Delivering this ANGIN 2022 annual report, we are thrilled to share the key highlights of ANGIN in 2022 from our investment platform, ANGIN Investment, and leading consulting firm, ANGIN Advisory!
You can find statistics on the enterprises we have screened and worked on, updates on our publications, and highlights of our events.
Report Overview

In 2022, ANGIN Investment screened more than 2,000 enterprises and showcased more than 50 enterprises to our investor network. Also, we have cumulatively channeled investments more than USD 31,7 million and executed more than 150 investments through ANGIN investor network.
On the other hand, ANGIN Advisory delivered more than 10 capacity building projects and 10 tailored insight reports. Showcasing our footprint by this year, we have trained more than 200 entrepreneurs across 18 Indonesia cities and 18 countries to extend the entrepreneurship solutions.

We thank our clients and partners over the past year, your trust is on the right hand. We shared your values and outcome in excitement and will continue to do so. Let us know if you want to engage with us through our upcoming 2023 projects! We would be more than happy to collaborate!
Download our report to learn more about our 2022 activities.
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