[RECAP] NextIcorn International Convention 2018

Last week, David Soukhasing, Valencia Dea, Riaz Bhardwaj and Meredith Peng form ANGIN had a chance to attend NextIcorn International Convention 2018, hosted by Amvesindo. NextICorn gathered selected potential startups, curated by NextICorn Coordinating Board, to discuss and pitch for investment opportunities with over 100 venture capital representatives after undergoing selection process with several requirements.

Through the event, we had a chance to met the startups, caught up with old friends from the ecosystem, connected with new investors who are interested in the Indonesian ecosystem. At the panels, NextICorn representatives, who were among Indonesia’s most investable startups, shared their insights into the opportunities that exist in each of their respective verticals. On the other hand, the panel of prominent international investors shared the stage and their perspectives on the opportunity landscape in Indonesia, while domestic investors  shared their  insights into investing in Indonesian startups.

With the aim of making Indonesia as a “digital paradise“, NextICorn aim to see investment perspective in the Southeast Asian region, especially Indonesia, through the eyes of global investors. In other words, issues including concerns over the regulatory sector, investment climate, competitiveness, regional GDP and growth rate, as well as the critical decisions to address “Series B” funding gap for the startups will be covered. Within this event, ICT Minister Rudiantara addressed the current strategic and regulatory framework as being considered by the Indonesian government to induce further growth in Indonesia’s digital economy sector.

Photo credit to : www.kominfo.go.id


[RESEARCH INVITATION] The Downs of an Indonesian Tech Startup Journey

Calling all startup founders in Indonesia!

We invite you to join in our new research project on “The Downs of an Indonesian Tech Startup Journey”. We are conducting a quantitative and qualitative research to understand more about the problem faced by most of tech startup founders in Indonesia, and share it back to the ecosystem so everyone can learn and not make the same mistakes.

First of its kind in Indonesia, the purpose of this research project is to use precedent cases of failure and mistakes to guide entrepreneurs and support organizations (e.g. accelerators, VC, universities) in their entrepreneurial journey. We will maintain absolute confidentiality of the primary data collected and won’t disclose participant’s names. We have already received more than 100 contacts from a previous round of participation.

So if you:

– Are a tech startup founder operating in Indonesia.

– Have already received external investment.

– Are willing to share your stories about the challenges that you faced in building your startup and that pushed you to pivot radically or to close down shop.

Or you may know peer tech startup founders that could be a good fit for this research. Please share your contact details (or other founders that you may refer) via this link:


The deadline for the registration of this research is November 16, 2018.

For further details or questions, please contact: research@angin.id

[RECAP] ASEAN Rice Bowl Startup Awards 2018


We proudly announce that Angel Investor Network Indonesia (ANGIN) won National Award as “Investor of The Year” by ASEAN Rice Bowl Startup Awards 2018 !

Last week, David Soukhasing, Managing Director of Angel Investor Network Indonesia (ANGIN) had an honour to received an award as a national winner for The Best Investor of the Year by ASEAN Rice Bowl Startup Awards with other 17 finalist startup winners from Indonesia.

The ASEAN Rice Bowl Startup Awards seeks to connect and empower the ASEAN Economic Community to power up their local economies with startups and scale-ups. The Rice Bowl is the Official Southeast Asia Circuit for the Global Startup Awards (GSA) and organised by New Entrepreneurs Foundation, celebrates the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship in the Southeast Asian startup ecosystem. The Rice Bowl puts the spotlight on model entrepreneurship and inspires a dynamic community of startup enthusiast, serial entrepreneurs, policy makers and diverse mentors in tech innovation. It also aspires to find startups that have disruptive business models with the potential to grow regionally and contribute significantly to their national GDPs.

Winners from each country will represent Indonesia as finalist at the ASEAN Rice Bowl Startup Awards to be held in October 2018 and the the best of South East Asian Startups will be announced at the Rice Bowl Grand Gala.

See the full list of Indonesia (National) Rice Bowl Startup Awards Winner 2018 here.

Thank you ASEAN Rice Bowl Startup Awards and congratulations for all the winners. See you in Bali !

Click here to read more.



Gitta Amelia: Founder & General Partner at EverHaüs

Tell us about yourself.

My name is Gitta Amelia. I am the founding partner of EverHaüs, a digitally-native venture capital company established in November 2017. We are a millennial-first team and our mission is to empower a new generation of entrepreneurs. I am a Venture Capitalist because I love how venture capital is the first financing product that levels off the playing field and gives people a chance to become entrepreneurs, regardless of biology or background.

At EverHaüs we’re focused on early stage investments, which we call our core investments. For these investments, we are hands-on investors. This is different from our non-core investments – which are typically participations in larger or foreign deals – where we partake as a silent shareholder. The reason why we are focused here is because we know this market very well, given our roots in Frontier Market Research in Indonesia. We believe that with the help of our partners and our other limited partners (LPs), we’re specially suited to help our portfolio here. We also take an ecosystem approach and are big on synergies. If an investment comes to the table where we feel like it could really synergize with all of our portfolios, then we give those opportunities a little more weight.

When we first started, we decided to enter the early stage because we sensed that a fund creep was happening, where a lot of the funds are getting larger and writing larger checks for later-stage deals. The first and second wave of Indonesian funds are now series B and pretty much focus on growth equity. When we first established ourselves, our brand recognition grew quickly just over the course of one year — the reason being because there aren’t many investors left at this age. As a result, our deal flow is very strong.  

My investment journey actually started four years before I founded EverHaüs. I was angel investing with my father. EverHaüs was established as an independent vehicle because I truly believe these startups need the right kind of support to succeed, independent of a corporate agenda. At the early stage, we must support the founder’s vision and mission when you invest in them.

What excites you about the Indonesian market? What investment opportunities exist?

From Frontier, we’ve built a very strong foundation in terms of our B2B relationships in this market. What’s exciting about Indonesia is that many traditional companies here understand the growing importance of the digital economy but have a hard time either targeting digital natives or transforming their company to go digital. So, investing in small teams is exciting because we have a vision of the future that involves these passionate teams.

From what I’ve seen over the past year – being very much on the ground and having heard likely over 500 startup pitches – I think there is indeed a new generation of Indonesian entrepreneurs sprouting up. The opportunity is always there; it depends where you look for it. On a macroeconomic standpoint, I do believe that we are about eight years behind China. We see that GDP per capita is exactly the same today as China’s eight years ago: that is, US$13,500. Mobile penetration is at similar levels. The same kinds of problems that we’re facing in Indonesia are the same as China’s eight years ago, such as financial inclusion.

About five months ago, I was in Hangzhou as an advisor to the Alibaba e-fellowship program. During the two weeks in the Alibaba Headquarters, everything that we believed about China and Indonesia, such as the time gap between the two markets, were confirmed for me.

Mirroring China’s generations of startups, you’ll see a lot of unicorns that will pop up in Indonesia playing a supporting role to the online economy very soon.

You mentioned the profile of the typical Indonesian entrepreneur is changing. What is that like now versus before?

So I think one thing will always stay the same: a startup founder needs to have this kind of “Wolf Spirit.” You can see it in their eyes and the way they talk about their space. That will never change, and it can come from anyone. No matter what your background is, no matter what gender you are, you need that spirit to succeed.

I think what’s changing is that entrepreneurs are becoming a lot smarter. They can spot opportunities a lot better and understand what investors want to hear. In the first wave of startups, founders are obviously going to be focused on more platform models. But nowadays, due to the strength of the platforms, you can think about things that play a more supportive role for these platforms or can grow together with existing platforms.

I believe in Indonesia, we are only at the beginning of a transformation.

How is the gender diversity of your portfolio?

Since November 2017, we’ve closed 10 deals, both core and non-core investments. Out of those deals, we have one portfolio with two female founders. I would love to have more female entrepreneurs in our portfolio but at the end of the day, it boils down to more than gender, because we look at the composition of the team and whether or not they have that wolf spirit. I believe that one of the reasons EverHaüs has to exist is to bridge this gender imbalance in the market. I don’t think we will get there by being idealistic, however. At the top of the funnel, it’s still very much male which translates down to our portfolio as well.

Female entrepreneurs tend to tackle female problems, and female problems are just as real as any other problem. We’re 50 percent of the population, and that’s a sizable market. Not to mention that consumer spending is still very much held by females. It’s usually larger than male consumer spending, and that’s true for most parts of the world. So I definitely want to see more female entrepreneurs. I think female entrepreneurs can be rest assured that when they are coming to EverHaüs, we do our best to understand what they’re trying to achieve.

Why do you think women are struggling so hard to find fundraising?

I don’t think it’s a matter of, “Is she competent?” It’s more like, a voice in the back of your head saying, “she has other commitments,” and one of the things that all VCs champion is the fact that your startup “has to be your life and breath.” VCs don’t like part-time founders or founders with other commitments.

But I think that besides work, we are all humans and as humans, we also have other priorities besides contributing to the economy. There is a bias towards thinking that males will prioritize their work more than females. This kind of stigma trickles down towards a lot of the seed-level investors as well, who say, “If I invest in this particular startup founder who happens to be a female, I’m not quite sure if she can raise series A or series B capital.” As an investor, you don’t want your startup to run dry.

The second issue is that I think a lot of females are tackling very female problems. A lot of them I see are going into things like fashion retail or maternity, which may be difficult for them to explain to a male VC. A male VC might not be able to understand the world that they’re trying to put forward. And it comes with all of these assumptions as well. So a lack of female representation in a fund’s investment committee is a another issue on its own.

Speaking of male and female VCs, I think you’re one of the only people I know who is female and in a high leadership position in a VC, and the only female co-founder and partner of a fund. Why do you think there aren’t as many female VCs in leadership roles, and how do we get more of them into these roles?

I think that women will face challenges regardless of industry or position. It’s true that the climate in finance is sexist and I get a lot of challenging questions. I think you just have to have really thick skin at the end of the day and not worry so much about what others will think of you. Instead, define yourself by your principles and your values.

Be that principled person. I have a couple of principles that I hold on to such as add value wherever you go, be humble, and respect everyone no matter what. Here at Everhaüs, we start off team meetings by reciting our values to remind ourselves that every interaction with a colleague, investor, or founder has to be value-adding. And that’s the kind of person that you start defining yourself as — not on the basis of your gender. When you hold onto those things as opposed to your gender, then I think you can really go further. It’s a lot about changing the mindset. And while it may be difficult to change everyone’s mindset, you could at least start by changing your own.

While there have been challenges as a female leader in the VC space, have there been any benefits as well?

Plenty. First of all as a female VC, you are in a unique position to make a difference and draw like-minded females towards the space.

Secondly, I think that women may have a greater tendency to develop more empathy. Venture capital is a very people-centric business. I studied finance but being in a VC is only 20 percent finance. 80 percent really is about connecting with people, understanding them and their motivations. For a lot of our core startups – we want to be their first call that they make if they run into a problem. And I think that’s one of the things that really makes me happy when I think about it, because it just shows that the relationships that we create with our startups go far more than just providing capital.

Has anyone ever imposed some kind of glass ceiling onto your ambitions?

There are always glass ceilings out there, but they’re glass. You can always break them.

The ones that are not glass are the ones that you create inside your head.

What’s the most rewarding thing about your line of work and your career? Has there ever been one moment in your career that has affirmed and validated everything?

There’s so many people in this world, and having the opportunity to talk to so many people and hear such diverse viewpoints is immensely rewarding. Such as meeting Jack Ma. (laughs)

Being in leadership position means that naturally, people ask what is the best thing about leading your company. I think startup founders and other kinds of leaders can basically attest to this when I say that the best thing is seeing people grow under your leadership. I have a very small team, but I think I’m so blessed that they’ve stuck around all this time. You also see good people become better; that’s what a good company culture does to you.

So I think that’s hands down the most rewarding thing about being in a leadership position. It’s looking back and seeing the impact you’ve had on the people inside of your own company.

Do you have any role models?

One of my role models is my mother. She was an entrepreneur and self-proclaimed soft-skill expert. I didn’t climb up a corporate ladder to get to EverHaüs. So that means being in a leadership position was essentially like being shoved off a cliff. Some hand larger than life pushed me and now I must fly. I get regular breakfast with my mother where I ask for her advice. Having been a management consultant for many companies and large corporations, she tells me stories of great corporate practices. I learned how to build Standard Operational Procedures from her. So even though we’re a very small company and still a very small team, our SOP is what sets us apart. I put a lot of time into investing into our defensibility to build a culture and minimize bias. Even though we’re small right now, there might be a time where we’re not going to be small anymore. So we need to be able to be ready for that. And I think investing in that means investing in the future. My mother has played a huge role in giving me this thinking.

Where do you want to be 10 years down the line?

I always say that I want to be a Limited Partner in my own fund. That’s the goal 10 years from now. My hope is that EverHaüs becomes the trusted partner for any new team out there and can continue to real add value to our economy. I think only God knows where it will be 10 years from now. But as I mentioned to you before, I think there is no real ceiling to our growth. And so we’re going to keep on moving forward.  

Do you have any advice for other young women who are looking to become fund managers or join the investment side of the startup world?

It’s going to be a place dominated with men, so be sure to strap on some very, very high heels. And I think the other thing is, don’t think too much about the challenges. If you do that, you’re only going to hold yourself back.

At the same time, be very strategic about it in terms of knowing your cards. Try to know everybody else’s cards, too. Every step that you make needs to have an intentionality that you must be able to defend. Because you’re going to need that kind of compass. There’s going to be many distractions people telling you that you cannot do something. So as long as in your mind you are clear with your goal, you can make sound judgements and execute accordingly.

ANGIN’s Angel Investor: Ivan Kamadjaja

Welcoming our new Angel, Ivan Kamadjaja

Ivan Kamadjaja is an industry veteran with deep financial and logistics expertise. Leading Kamadjaja Group as their CEO, Ivan is keen on furthering technological advancements in logistics to increase productivity and customer satisfaction. With a focus on improving distribution movement for multiple companies, Ivan has raised standards of Kamadjaja Group through a decade and a half. Before taking the reigns of Kamadjaja Group, Ivan had made a career in financial auditing and consulting. In his personal time, Ivan has developed a passion in startup companies. In the past 3 years, Ivan has been an angel investor for several startups, by contributing his 15+ years of experience as highly impact entrepreneur, his business network, and by being mentor to them. Ivan is also active in many startup/scaleup related events as mentor, eg. EO Accelerator, Endeavor annual event, and 1000 Startup.

ANGIN’s Angel Investor: Mardianto E. Danusaputro

Welcoming our new Angel, Mardianto E. Danusaputro

Mardianto E. Danusaputro is Chief Executive Officer of Mandiri Capital Indonesia (MCI), the corporate venture capital subsidiary of PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. MCI aims to provide equity funding for regional start-ups, with focus on the fintech sector. Eddi has more than 20 year’s working experience in various sectors, including consumer goods (at Procter & Gamble), management consulting (at AT Kearney and Booz Allen Hamilton) and financial services (including Morgan Stanley), whereby the majority of his work experience was in Singapore. In addition to working at large corporations, Eddi also has experience as an angel investor and social entrepreneur. Eddi graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta and also has a MBA degree from Duke University, USA and a Doctorate in Management from Universitas Indonesia.

Arum K. Putri: Investment Analyst at Openspace Ventures

Tell us a bit about yourself.

My name is Arum. I’m an investment analyst at Openspace Ventures, covering our Indonesian operations through deal sourcing and execution, as well as managing our existing portfolio companies such as HaloDoc and Sale Stock. Openspace Ventures is a Singapore-based venture capital fund investing in Southeast Asian tech-enabled startups, focused on Series A and Series B. We’re industry agnostic and focus on the product, traction, and founders.

I’ve been back in Indonesia for around 3 years now after attending school in Canada. I came back right at the peak of when companies like GO-JEK, Tokopedia, and Traveloka came into the spotlight, and quickly saw the immediate effect technology had on the Indonesian population. Jobs were created, livelihood security was improved, and new access to services were formed. There was no room for that sort of impact in North America, which was why I made the decision to come back and pursue a career in early-stage tech investing.

What is the kind of impact that VCs are making in the entrepreneurship space?

There are definitely many ways that VCs can make impact. For Openspace Ventures, given the early-stage investments that we do, we make sure to add unique, operational value to our portfolio companies and work very closely on the ground with our entrepreneurs to reach their next milestone. We help with all aspects of the business from corporate finance, capital raising, technology strategy, marketing, hiring, and international expansion. For example, recently I helped my portfolio company build their Series B pitch deck and full financial and operational model from scratch, my team helped several of our portfolio with their marketing initiatives, as well hiring engineers for their tech team.

We have a full in-house operational team in technology, HR, legal, and marketing to support our portfolio companies. We also leverage our network across Southeast Asia to help connect our entrepreneurs with other industry leaders, potential customers, partners, or even investors.  Openspace is also very involved in supporting tech founders and investor community in the countries that we operate in. After all, we do focus on building and backing the next wave of technology leaders. I think that’s the sort of impact that we try to make, particularly given the stage that we focus in where most of the founders are operating at a critical juncture.

Has there ever been like a moment where you’ve thought to yourself, this was just so worth it — this moment has made it so worth it for me to have moved back here?

Yeah, definitely. Growing up in Indonesia I’ve always been aware of the large lower income segment of the population that for the most part were largely ignored – those that did not have access to basic financial services or retail experiences in larger cities, and don’t have the same financial power. Several of our portfolio companies are actually changing that, and seeing the type of impact it has is definitely one of my ‘worth it’ moments.

For example, Sale Stock is a women’s fast fashion e-commerce company that enables women in very remote areas of Indonesia – such as Papua or the northernmost point of Sulawesi – who may not have been able to shop at e-commerce sites beforehand, to purchase quality and fashionable clothing at an approachable and affordable price. It’s very empowering. GO-JEK is arguably already transforming the livelihoods of millions through dramatically reducing poverty. I think that sort of impact, definitely had made it worthwhile for me to come back to Indonesia. I think growing up in this part of the world has allowed me to become aware and conscious of the pain points that more developed countries in the West are not aware of. Things like lack of financial inclusion, little access to education and resources, and income disparity were among the problems that I faced. And now seeing that there are technology advances that are alleviating these pain points but also having substantial social impact made my move back to Indonesia so much more worthwhile.

On the other hand, have you ever felt that being back in Indonesia is so challenging that it has made you think, “Why did ever come back here?”

Definitely. Gender inclusivity is an issue here and  challenge in itself. In North America , people have a lot more regard for women in the workplace. Whereas  here, I think the fight for gender equality is still in its early stages. I am fortunate enough to have grown up in a family that are  mostly women who are all very successful in their fields. But I have had experiences where I was looked down upon because of my age and my gender. A lot of times in Indonesia, the stigma is still like, “Women should stay at home, women should cook, women should do this and that.” Grouping women into what they “should” do is what makes me really upset, because I think women have the right to freely choose what they want to do. If a woman chooses to raise a family at home full-time or choose to become a founder of a tech company, then that’s their choice and that’s OK, I think that the idea of women having a choice in Indonesia is still something that’s stigmatized, and something that I wish is different.

Has there been like a specific instance where you’ve felt that gender discrimination or you know, that that kind of stigma against you?

At one point in my life, a colleague asked me why I wanted to pursue a professional career, why I was thinking of venture capital, and why I was deciding whether or not to pursue a graduate degree. He thought I should stay at home instead. He said to my face, “Oh, why do you want to work in finance? Why do you want to do an MBA? You’re a girl…taking care of your home and husband is important you know?” It was so shocking. I didn’t even know how to answer or how to react. I was so flabbergasted and so angry.

Female employees in Indonesia are often still seen as people meant for back office or administrative functions as opposed to having leadership roles. It’s very unfortunate and it makes me really upset that women need to put so much more effort just to be recognized.

What inspires you in this field? Are there any examples of women taking leadership and taking charge?

Something that inspires me is how Openspace Ventures approach female founders and investors. As of right now, we are almost at a 50-50 gender distribution; the partners actually make a conscious effort to have equal representation of women as part of our team, and in our portfolio we also have women-led companies and women founders, which is something that’s rare in Southeast Asia. One of our portfolio companies, Love, Bonito, is co-founded by two very strong women who are leaders in their field but are some of the most hardworking women I know who have come a long way. I definitely think venture capital is a more welcoming space for women to be a part of, whether you’re going on the founder or investor route. We have lots of room for improvement, but it’s going in the right direction.

How does gender play a role in your investments?

We make investment decisions based on the founder and the product, not the gender. However, I think there is definitely a discrepancy between the number of male founders versus female founders I have met. I think female founders only represent less than 10 percent of the startups I meet and that’s quite unfortunate. I think we need more female founders to come to the table.

So how do we get more female founders to come to the table?

Putting the conversation out there, educating and growing the female founder and tech investor community is one way to do it. I think now, more and more initiatives  exist to get more women in male-dominated fields together. There are initiatives like Generation Girl launched by female developers at GO-JEK that teaches coding and data analytics to young and aspiring  developers. There’s SheVC that is a solid community of women investors. Initiatives like those are good for the women community. In Indonesia particularly, access to network and resources are not as widespread  and the gap definitely exist for women who are looking for the right team, founders, investors, and business partners but don’t know where to start. I think from an investor point of view, given our platform we should create more  of these type of initiatives that not only give them the right access to resources, but also give them a space to have a voice and network with other women leaders.

On the other hand, how do we get more women in leadership roles in the VC community?

I think we are barely scratching the surface in terms of women having leadership roles not only in the VC community, but everywhere. It’s still very much male-dominated while gender is obviously not a measure of productivity in the field.  I’m quite thankful that in the VC community I haven’t had any instances with regards to gender biases, and so I’m very fortunate. But in traditional businesses or more male-dominated fields like engineering perhaps, it may not be the case. I think with any business in general they can benefit from gender diversity – I don’t think there is a reason not to. We can start with educating the workplace to having equal opportunities for women to take on leadership roles or even out the distribution in certain functions. Having a general open mindedness and conscious effort to have more women in these roles is a good start. Then slowly more concrete steps can be taken, like a distribution ratio, women-led panels etc.

How is female representation in the private equity industry? How is the dynamic like?

There is definitely less female representation in private equity than venture capital, especially because venture capital involves younger communities like the startups and tech advocates, whereas private equity deals more with more mature and traditional businesses. It’s tough but like with most businesses, more and more women are beginning to pursue leadership roles in male-dominated fields and that is a step in the right direction.

Do you think Indonesia is ready for an all-female fund with a total gender-lens approach?

I think it’s still early, but we’re moving in the right direction. More and more startups are starting to have women founders, but we still need more. Maybe the market is not big enough to address an all-female fund for women-led only investments now, but I hope it will be in the near future.

What is your advice on combating gender stereotypes and gender stigmas, whether it be in the workplace or from family?

Women need to have a voice and to start speaking up for what they stand for . They should  feel free to speak up and advocate for their opinions.I think now more and more women are starting to find their voice in whatever industry or situation that they’re in despite fear. I have been in cases where because I’m a girl, my decision to pursue a professional career is stigmatized because of the Indonesian tradition, but I’ve seen that change because I was able to be more vocal on my decisions, and people and my path are beginning to understand. It’s a process, but it doesn’t hurt to have a conversation

How was it like to be in like an almost all female family?

I think it’s a very rare thing in Indonesia. I come from an almost all-female family of 20 people of which I think 15 are women, down to my nieces. Those who are my age or from the first generation, are for the most part entrepreneurs or professionals. I am so lucky because I grew up with so many women that started from zero, made way through their adversities, and are now successful in their respective fields, which makes it difficult for me to comprehend when people stigmatize what I can or cannot do. I don’t know how I could have lived a different life, for example if I was to be born in a family that was not supportive of my career.

I grew up not knowing that there was adversity surrounding gender until I started working. I saw people in my family that were the only women in male-dominated fields and I thought that was normal. I realized soon enough that that was actually fought for, and that they worked hard in their careers to prove themselves and get to where they are. With most businesses still very much traditional in Indonesia, I think they had to work twice as hard. It’s definitely inspiring to be surrounded by very opinionated and powerful women, but it can also be very intense. I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.

Who are the biggest role models in your life?

Definitely my grandmother. My grandma is 92 and she’s still working. She started her business in the garage, building the family business from scratch. She was very strong-minded, yet humble and so inclusive of her team and I think that’s what got her so far. She is a huge advocate for gender inclusivity and women in the workplace and she has taught me the importance of this from as far I could remember.

She started her career in the 1950s where gender inclusivity is nonexistent. She grew up during the Dutch colony, where women did not have access to schools and weren’t allowed to work. But she was fortunate enough to marry my grandfather who was always very open minded and actually helped her grow her business from very early on in their marriage, so in a way that was equally as important people closest to her. I definitely saw that was extremely inspiring, having a husband that was supportive to her pursuits, being rejected my hundreds of stakeholders from banks to investors but continuing to move forward, and having an open mind to continue learning and growing even at 92. She is very inspiring.  

Where do you want to be in 10 years? What’s your vision for yourself?

Maybe in the next 10 years I have founded a company in a field that I am passionate about. My hope is to bring gender diversity and inclusivity in anything that I do, so I hope to instill that as part of my vision.

Do you have any message for girls who want to start their own startups too and maybe encourage them to how they start their own startup or vc or in this industry.

I think my only advice is to just do it. The best pursuits often take a (giant) leap of faith and you never know what you’re up against unless you start, because that’s one of the most difficult parts.

[RECAP] Launch GoStartupIndonesia


Last Thursday, 6th Sept 2018, Valencia from Angel Investor Network Indonesia (ANGIN) was invited  to witness the launch of GoStartupIndonesia platform by Indonesia Creative Economy Agency (Bekraf) and Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI).

Also known as “Government Support for Startups in Indonesia”, it is a common spirit and movement to accelerate the growth of ecosystems that are conducive to startups in Indonesia, especially in the creative economy sector at various levels of the startup cycle. The platform was also a follow up  form of support and development of creative economic startups to encourage access to capital for startup through GoPublic.

In addition, the platform also focuses on boosting the growth of the local investor to invest in local startup.  Through Investor Relation Unit, it will be one of the GSI main concerns.

Here to find out more about GoStartupIndonesia.

[RECAP] B Corp Forum : Gotong Royong 2018


September 3rd 2018 – David Soukhasing (Managing Director of ANGIN) was invited, to the B Corp Forum organised last week, to present about the funding landscape for social enterprises.

Quite new to the Indonesian ecosystem, B Corp is a certification for companies provided by the Non-Profit B Lab Institutions. Certification is given to companies that during the audit process are able to prove that their business process – from the supply chain, operational systems to products / services sold in the market – can have a positive impact and added value. The five aspects of concern in B Corp certification are governance, employees, environment, society and consumers. There are currently more than 2,600 companies from more than 60 countries have B Corp certification. As for Asia, B Corp has become a community consisting of 81 companies and spread in 17 countries. This number is up 10 times compared to 2014. While in Indonesia, there are two B Corp companies namely Percolate Galatic, a creative digital agency, and Danone-AQUA, a bottled drinking water (AMDK) company.

In its mission to grow the social and/or technology entrepreneurship ecosystem in Indonesia, ANGIN has developed its Advisory Services to service clients in understanding better the Indonesian ecosystem and solve operational challenges in achieving the SDGs. ANGIN has led several research works, strategic consulting missions and events for both domestic and international organizations. It was a good opportunity for ANGIN to share some of its views on the market. We mostly focused on highlighting the challenges and opportunity the impact investment landscape is facing. Some of the discussion points :


– Reliance on foreign capital

– Existence of several investment gaps

– Pipeline access and readiness

– Lack of exits and realized returns


Mobilizing the Domestic Capital

Growth of the SAO /enabling environment (See ANGIN research on that topic https://angin.id/angin-resources#angin-research )

Role of new capital providers to fund early stage deals (e.g. fintech)

New investment implementations being discussed (e.g. blended finance, first loss)

Please contact our team at contact@angin.id for the slides used during the presentation.

[RECAP] Jakarta Tech Investors Night

A gathering of tech investors took place at Freeware Suites, Equity Tower on July 25th, 2018 – players ranging from prominent tech VCs such as Grupara Ventures, Alpha JWC, East Ventures, and Monks Hill Ventures, as well as representatives from Amazon Web Services and angels from the ANGIN network. The event was co-hosted by Freeware Spaces and ANGIN.

The evening was made lively by the investor community, who chatted about the year in deals, investment opportunities and outlook in Indonesia, and interesting startups at the moment. In addition, Freeware Spaces took the time to elaborate on their expansion plans, welcoming a new team member and revealing plans to strengthen core operations and community.

We thank Freeware Suites in taking the time to host this amazing event and welcome more investor gatherings in the future. It is always an amazing experience to gather together and share on how the investor community can work together towards a better-funded and ever-growing investment landscape in Indonesia.

Full list of organizational attendees:

ANGIN, Grupara Ventures, Alpha JWC, East Ventures, Amazon Web Service, Kolibra Capital, MDI Ventures, Openspace ventures, Kejora Ventures, GK Plug and Play Indonesia, Skystar Capital, Golden Gate Ventures, Incubate Fund, Venturra Discovery Fund, Gobi Partners, Mandiri Capital, Ideosource, Coffee Ventures, Venturra, SMDV, Patamar Capital, Monks Hill Ventures, Merah Putih Inc, Fenox Venture Capital, Spiral Ventures, Gree Ventures, Antler, Agaeti Venture, Vickers Venture Partners, PT Prasetia Dwidharma, PT Startuplokal, Convergence Ventures, Emasdigi, PT. MNC Tbk, OPI Digital Group, Seekmi, Stellar Kapital, Cyberagent Ventures, Syailendra Kapital, Intudo Ventures, Akseleran, Kravelist, Maskoolin